About us

Kia ora,

I am Vanessa, I hail from Auckland. If you recognise some of the mailbox names, you may have a sense of my favourite places and my love for my community – East Auckland.

Like many, I regularly receive parcels. They are left at my front door during the day, visible from the street, and did not give it another thought until…

It was a Sunday afternoon, having returned home from a picnic lunch where we had taken our portable BBQ. As we unpacked the car, we left the BBQ at our front door and were sidetracked needing to see our toddler. A while later, when we went back outside, there was no BBQ. DAMN!

It wasn’t until that Thursday evening; that I woke to a burglar in our home. The experience robbed me of my sense of security and safety. I thought back to our BBQ being taken from our front door and wondered if that had made us vulnerable. This ordeal has had a lasting effect on me and I went into overdrive with ramping up our home security.

This led me to want a parcel drop box so nothing is ever left on my front doorstep. Only to discover what was available was unappealing. Not one to be deterred, I thought I would make one myself. The first step, woodworking classes! Then cardboard cutouts, miniature models, and more detailed designs before sourcing a manufacturer who could produce what I was after and then having samples made.

Ultimately, I feel a home should be envisioned to be a place that is welcoming, safe, attractive, unique, and durable in our climate. More importantly, the parcel drop box function ensures packages are kept safe and are not left in visible places. Opportunities for theft will decrease and I envision with that, an overall sense of safety in your neighbourhood can be achieved.

My newfound vision is to provide an offering where parcel drop boxes are the norm and the go-to mailbox of choice that also appeals to the eye.

It's been a whirlwind of a learning experience since beginning this and I’m loving it. I’ve had great feedback so far which has made me even more passionate about what Aspect Box can provide to New Zealanders.

Owning my own business has always been a distant dream and at 38, I finally got my AH HAH!!! moment, I have run leaps and bounds with the vision to create Aspect Box into a meaningful venture.

Feel free to reach out and say hi, I can assist with your queries and I take all feedback received onboard. I am open to incorporating new ideas and ways of thinking. My ethos is ‘iterating to awesomeness’